Welcome the newest member to the team!

I am grateful to announce the partnership with Rick and on his journey to making the world aware of just how difficult it can be for someone who has physical limitations.

First off I’ll introduce myself! My name is Megan and I have known Rick for 15 + years now. We started working together at SMC that many years ago. Which to some it seems nearly impossible given our ages but here we are! I am beyond excited to start this new journey with my dear friend! It honestly never occurred to me just how difficult life is for him. I know he doesn’t ask for a “sob story” or someone to feel sorry for him but I am here to tell you that we as a partnering duo we want to show everyone just how it really is. Giving people the first had experience of what it’s like to do daily things that us regular people who can just get out of bed everyday take for granted. I think that we do these things so much and never actually take the time to understand any of it. I first hand know what it’s like to struggle with mental health issues but let me be the first to tell you it ISN’T the same and please don’t mistake it for being so.

I hope this mobility experience will shed some light to those people who honestly never took or take the time to fully realize what the issues are. The issues being as I’m sure Rick has already said the bathroom stuff or cooking or just getting out of bed ect.. I will be also the first one to say I used to be someone who judged the citizens with the blue handicapped tag in their window at the stores. Seeing them just get out and walk like it was no big deal and think “ oh there’s nothing wrong with them, they can function just fine, probably just wanted a better parking space”. Boy was I WRONG! Those words or thoughts never should have crossed my mind. I went on a trip to Rolla a few weeks ago with Rick and I realized just how it can be for someone to go places (might add a blog post detailing some of that experience).

There are SO many things I want to learn and expand my knowledge on regarding the “handicapped” world. I actually want to refer it from now on as the “Physically Challenged” I believe that is a true sense of what it really is. Nobody should be degraded for that and I have corrected a numerous amount of people for it.

Please feel free to contact me at ANYTIME if you have questions! Also, I hope to add some blogs on the things that I have learned during this process. Again I am beyond excited to start this journey!

Email me @ megan@retainingmobility.com or text me @ 636-303-4199

Megan! 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Kara J Bridgeman

    Welcome Megan! Can’t wait to hear your perspective on some of these issues. It’s sure an eye opener when we “able bodied” start opening our eyes

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